Somdej PhraPhutdhajahn (Toh) or Somdej Toh (B.E. 2331-2415), the creator and blesser, while in consecration posture
2414年顺德瓦拉康寺的瓦萨都存储地点 Now, No Need to Pay 100 Million THB for a SWR !
HTF Somdej Wat Rakang Phim Yai, "Gru" Wat Satue,
Ayuthaya, B.E. 2414 Dimensions: 2.5 X 3.7 cm Material: Somdej Toh's holy powder Item ref: st28015
This is a nice, original condition Somdej Wat Rakang (SWR), Phim Yai, "Gru" Wat Satue, Ayuthaya, stored within the Reclining Buddha of Wat Satue in B.E. 2414.
The Somdej amulet was originated from Wat Rakang, created and blessed by Somdej Toh.
Gru = repository site
Somdej Toh = short and simpler term for Somdej PhraPhutdhajahn (Toh), the former abbot of Wat Rakang
SWR "Gru" Wat Satue has a most-clear creation history in among Somdej Toh's Somdej amulets.
The Reclining Buddha that Wat Rakang's Somdejs found inside was initiated to construct by Somdej Toh to devote merit to his mother who was born and lived her life in an area close to the temple.
Somdej Toh was also born in this area too, at Wat Kaijon - just across the river from Wat Satue where the reclining Buddha lacated.
Read more important info about SWR stored at Wat Satue:
The reclining Buddha construction began in B.E. 2413 with folk people vulunteer labor and completed in B.E. 2414.
During the reclining Buddha was on construction, Somdej amulets of many molds were creating at Wat Rakang preparing to store within the big reclining Buddha.
The reclining Buddha statue of Wat Satue, is 52 meters long, 9 meters wide, and 16 meters high.
After the construction of the reclining Buddha was completed in B.E. 2414, all the prepared amulets at Wat Rakang together with some other older items that had been well preserved in the temple's Bosth were loaded onto a big boat and went upstream to Wat Satue to store within the reclining Buddha.
The reclining Buddha locates on the River Pasak bank. Flood often happened there, some years water level went up so high. This made the Somdej amulets sank under the flooding water level.
A long years went by, the reclining Buddha was severely damaged causing by many-time floods.
The most important renovation was in B.E. 2499, Wat-Rakang-created Somdejs were first found within the body of the reclining Buddha.
Many of the Somdejs were leaked outside to high-ranking officials - both in uniform and civilian.
By some subsequent renovations, Wat Rakang amulets were also leaked out to outside.
To own a real Somdej Wat Rakang now needs not to have multi-million THB in your purse or pocket.
If you know the history of Somdej Wat Rakang (SWR) and Wat Satue's storing "Gru", you will have a real authentic SWR by paying only a small amount of money.
Do you know ... Wat Satue's storing Somdejs of good form, good texture and good backside have been selling as Wat Rakang's genuine authentic items at multi-million THB.
This is a real ultimate fact that known in among the knowdgeable & smart SWR collectors at the moment.
Vocabs: SWR = Somdej Wat Rakang
Gru = repository site
Bosth = main building of a temple for important religious activities including ordination ceremonyh