Wiki Thai Amulets International
维基泰国佛牌 by Lek Watruak

Yant Kropetch

LP Luesie Lingdam (2459-2535)

Dimensions: 14.5 X 18 cm
Material: cloth
Item Ref: LS43687

HTF LP Parn Phayant
Created & Blessed By
LP Luesie Lingdam
B.E. 2520

This is a HTF LP Parn Phayant, created and blessed by LP Luesie Lingdam in B.E. 2520.

LP Luesie Lingdam distributed the Phayants at Wat Thasung, UthaiThani province and his Dhamma teaching center in Soi Sailom, Bangkok (devoted by Air Force LT General Serm Sooksawas for Dhamma teaching purpose).

The above Phayant is in good condition with folded lines, but please leave it right there - do not iron them. The reason is that house irons are not "clean" enough because all of them have certainly ironed over your trousers and lady wears before !!

The Phayant was blessed by Luesie Lingdam with ultra high meditation reaching extremely miraculous Nipphan state, and then invited Lord Buddhas of all epochs to charge holy power into it.

The Phayant was also blessed with
Yant Kropetch - see the great Yant at the left top of the Phayant. Read more on Yant Kropetch.

LP Parn's blessing technique for the Phayant was taught to LP Luesie Lingdam.

It has same property and efficacy to the old time expensive LP Parn Phayants for life protection, free from all harms, destroying black magics and evils, warding off and destroying all vicious spirits, etc.

I have a Phayant of this kind and had a great experience with it -- my bigbike clashed with a 10-wheeled truck while motorcycling on a BKK surburb highway in B.E. 2530 and the driver fled away by thinking that I was dead at place !!

I was brought to a hospital in coma condition. My body was intact - without bones broken and body injuries, except the severe brain shock.

The physician who oversaw my case predicted that I would die shortly because of the severe brian shock, but I didn't and gradually recovered with full consciousness.

This is my near-death accident experience while having a LP Parn Phayant of this kind in my shirt pocket, and the another smaller piece hidden under the front lamp of the bigbike.

LP Luesie Lingdam who made and blessed the Phayant was a high ranking monk. His full monkhood name was Phra RajPhromYarn.

He was a closest disciple of LP Parn, Wat BangNomkho and also ordained by LP Parn. He had learned so many Buddhakom and ultra Dhamma practices from his teacher, and later became the Abbot of Wat BangNomkho during B.E. 2492-2500.

It was LP Luesie Lingdam who first disclosed LP Parn's biography to the public, and most of LP Parn's biographical content we know were from his mouth. And also it was he who taught the
Rich Katha and the Enhanced version to people.

LP Luesie Lingdam was always in "Jhana" (highly meditative state), his six senses was fully opening all the time.

He had magic eyes & ears that could see and hear what ordinary people could not. He could foresee future events correctly.

He learned Supra Dhamma directly from Lord Buddha by meditating deeply and making out-of-bodying to Nipphan celestial where Lord Buddha present. He created various amulets with the guidance of Lord Buddha.

LP Luesie Lingdam had made Dhamma journey to upper provinces for a long years and later settled at the nearly deserted Wat Thasung, UthaiThani, in B.E.2511.

He later became the Abbot of Wat Thasung and led people to help construct the temple successfully.

LP Lusie Lingdam used the miraculous Rich & Enhanced Rich Katha to gather fund to construct Wat Thasung which now has become a big and beautiful temple with a total religious property asset value around 1 billion THB.

LP Luesi Lingdam passed away in B.E. 2535 at the age of 75. His body is immortal-- undecomposed.

Nipphan state = Nirvana state of Arahant

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