Wiki Thai Amulets International
维基泰国佛牌 by Lek Watruak

LP Thaab (B.E.2420-2509)

LP Tim presided over LP Thaab's funeral ceremony

HTF LP Thaab NangPhaya
Coated w/ Green Beeswax
Wat Krabok Kuenpueng
Rayong Province
Early 2500s

Dimensions: 2.0 X 2.6 cm
Materials: Bailan, coated with green beeswax
Item Ref: pth25481

This is a HTF LP Thaab NangPhaya, Bailan, coated with green beeswax,Wat Krabok Kuenpueng, Rayong Province, early 2500s.

A previous owner of the NangPhaya coated it with LP Thaab green beeswax.

Please notice that the surface of the NangPhaya is thickly coated with green beeswax on both front and backsides including its left and right side-edges. Roughly, the green beeswax covers 4-5 pellets of mungbean size.

This is considered a significant amount because LP Thaab would only give out a mungbean size of green beeswax to those who requested for it.

Please notice that even the green beeswax is dry, but the true color of it still retains its vibrant emerald green. This is real authentic LP Thaab green beeswax.

Whoever owns this NangPhaya is truly fortunate, as they have both an efficacious NangPhaya and a significant amount of LP Thaab's green beeswax.

NangPhaya literally means an EMPRESS, but in Thai amuletology it practically has masculine implication for grand appearance on victory, powerful, grand elegant, and charismatic etc - just like an EMPEROR.

LP Thaab's green beeswax is known in among his close disciples for great charm and lady attraction without applying it directly to their skin.


LP Thaab's green beeswax is extremely great and Thailand's number one for enchanting girls.

As far as I have heard reports, some have 4-6 wives. And all of the girls are well treated and have good lives.

LP Thaab prepared his holy green beeswax with special formula by adding some kinds of holy herbs, then blessed with Mantras for Maha Metta and Maha Saneh.

The holy green beeswax is called "SiePueng GieowSao" which means "beeswax for wooing girls."


The green beeswax was distributed by LP Thaab himself since very early 2500s.

He was reported that many people used his wax applying on girl's skin to make her falling in love mood without responsibility. After those girls became their wives, they had no responsibility at all.

Later, LP Thaab strictly distributed his green beeswax in a small quantity, just around a mungbean size, to anyone who requested for it

Even a piece of the green beeswax is just small in size, but bringing along with it is still giving so hugh efficacy to attract girls !! No need to apply the wax on her skin at all.

Many recommended to enhance the attractive result with LP Thaab's specific holy beeswax Katha:

Jitti Mitti Arahang PiyangMama
Ugasa Sampati Jitti Mitti Arahang


1st Era: early 2490 - dark brown beeswax
2nd Era: mid 2490s - yellow/white beeswax
3rd Era: late 2490s - emerald green beeswax

The above seen LP Thaab's beeswax on the NangPhaya is of the 3rd era with emerald green color.

LP Thaab and LP Tim Wat Laharnrai are close friends of each other.

When LP Thaab passed away in B.E. 2509 at the age of 89, LP Tim was the major patron and presided over LP Thaab's funeral ceremony until it's all finished.
Bailan = black powder of burned old palm-leaf scripts
Maha Metta = to be kindly liked and loved
Maha Saneh = to be greatly attractive

Copyright © Lek Watruak