1.The Chakra Jewel 2.The White Elephant 3. The Divine Horse 4.The Divine General 5.The Treasury Guardian 6.The Divine Consort 7.The Wish-Fulfilling Gem
LP Sod, Wat Paknam (B.E.2427-2502)
Diameter: 2.8 cm Materials: copper/gold plated Item Ref: pnm26845
瓦巴南寺2545年皇帝与他的七宝勋章 Medal of the Emperor and His 7
Great Treasures Wat Paknam, B.E.2545
medal of MahaSombat ChakraPhat SattaRattana7, Wat PakNam was created in B.E.2545. It was consecrated with the unique and immensely powerful DhammaGaya wisdom of Wat PakNam by highly qualified monk masters for the 3-month Buddhist Lent period.
MahaSombat ChakraPhat SattaRattana7 = the emperor and his 7 great treasures
MahaSombat = great treasures ChakraPhat = emperor (Chakravarti/Sanskrit)
SattaRattana7 = the 7 valuables
The frontside of the medal depicts LP Sod in a seated meditation posture, facing sideway. The backside depicts the 7 Treasures of the Emperor.
The consecration ceremony was conducted continuously for three months that make the powerful energy of the Emperor and the 7 Treasures permanently reside in the medal.
Even those who do not practice DhammaGaya can access the power of the Emperor and his 7 Treasures by simply focusing their mind on it. They can then make wishes for wealth and prosperity, as the monk masters of Wat PakNam have completely made it for those purposes.
So, this medal grants the owner financial fluidity and abundance.
The Emperor and the 7 Treasures are sometimes referred to as the "Nourishing Emperor" as they can support individuals and provide them with a comfortable life, wealth, and a complete abundance of possessions. This ensures a fulfilling and prosperous life.
The Emperor possesses great power and merit, and enjoys a perfectly complete life, supported by the 7 Treasures. Understanding and accessing these 7 Treasures is crucial.
'The 7 Treasures of ChakraPhat
ChakraPhat is a Universal Emperor. In Buddhist religious legend, he rules righteously over the entire world. A ChakraPhat possesses 7 Extraordinary Treasures, which are symbols of his power and prosperity.
Here's the details of the Emperor's 7 Treasures (please see the above pic and specific numbers):
1. The Chakra Jewel: This is a divine weapon, a kind of discus, that is the personal weapon of the ChakraPhat. It is immensely powerful, capable of flight, and is said to inspire awe and submission in those who behold it. The Chakra Jewel can transport the ChakraPhat to any place in the world, and its mere presence is enough to ensure the allegiance of other kingdoms.
2. The White Elephant: This is no ordinary elephant; it is a magnificent creature with supernatural powers. It can fly and transport the ChakraPhat great distances. The white elephant is a symbol of strength, wisdom, and good fortune.
3. The Divine Horse: This is a magical steed that can fly and move with incredible speed. It is a symbol of swiftness and agility.
4. The Divine General: This is a loyal and skilled warrior who serves as the ChakraPhat's protector. He is also a wise counselor and a learned scholar.
5. The Treasury Guardian: This is a magical being who can locate any hidden treasure. He is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
6. The Divine Consort: The ChakraPhat's wife is not merely a consort but a divine being herself. She is incredibly beautiful, wise, and virtuous, and she serves as a constant companion and advisor to her husband.
7. The Wish-Fulfilling Gem: This precious jewel radiates a brilliant light and can grant any wish. It is said to be capable of sustaining a whole nation with its abundance.
These 7 Treasures represent the ideal attributes of a universal monarch. They symbolize power, wisdom, compassion, and prosperity. Together, they make the ChakraPhat an unconquerable and benevolent ruler.
It's great lucky to own the medal of this kind. Having the medal with you, just focus your mind on it and request for prosperity, abundance, successful life, and life longevity. And you will have them.