Wiki Thai Amulets International
维基泰国佛牌 by Lek Watruak

Yant inscription near the eye

Yant inscription

LP Thaab (B.E.2420-2509)

LP Tim presided over LP Thaab's funeral ceremony


Brown Beewax
w/ Silver Takrut
On Sarika Bird
for Attracting Girls,
Early 2500s

Diameter: 1.6 X 2.4 cm
Material: Brown beewax on Sarika
Ref: pth14520

This is a VHTF LP Thaab Brown Beewax with Takrut on Sarika, Wat KrabokKuenpueng, Rayong province, early 2500s.

Sarika = a tiny magical bird for Maha Metta and Maha Saneh

The brown beewax is the mixture of LP Thaab dark brown beewax and yellow/white beewax (see details below).

The age of the brown beewax on Sarika is around 65 years age.

Brown beewax is the 1st creation beewax of LP Thaab in early 2490s. And the yellow/white beewax is the 2nd creation in mid 2490s.


The brown beewax has so strong attractiveness for girls. A lame man who lived next to the temple requested a piece of brown wax from LP Thaab.

At last, as time passed by... the man got 6 wives living under the same roof. This is a very amazing story having been recounted until nowsday.

And this is why the brown beewax is easily called by folkish phrase as "SiPueng ChaiNgoi Mia Hok" which means
beewax of the lame man with six wives.

The event of the lame man was reported to LP Thaab.

What he's done for this ?

LP Thaab divided his brown beewax into two parts, he kept a part of it for making amulets and the other he threw it into the water and stop making it thenceforth.


Normally, LP Thaab's green beewax is rare, but his brown beewax is the most rarest. This is LP Thaab's holy beewax creation sequence:

1st Era: early 2490s - dark brown beewax
2nd Era: mid 2490s - yellow/white beewax
3rd Era: late 2490s - emerald green beewax

After the lame man event, a quantity of the later version beewax (green) was distributed in only a small piece for one person. Around a match-head size of beewax was the standard quantity that LP Thaab presented to anyone who requested for it.


LP Thaab's beewax is Thailand's number one, and so great for attracting girls.

LP Thaab prepared his beewax with special formula by adding some kinds of herbs, then blessed with Mantras for Maha Metta and Maha Saneh.

Even the piece of the holy beewax is small in size but giving so hugh efficacy & property on attracting girls without applying the wax onto skin.


LP Thaab and LP Tim Wat Laharnrai had same teachers and were close friends of each other.

When LP Thaab passed away in B.E. 2509 at the age of 89, LP Tim was the major patron and presided over LP Thaab's funeral ceremony until it's all finished.

Maha Metta = to be kindly liked and loved
Maha Saneh = to be greatly attractive

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