Wiki Thai Amulets International
维基泰国佛牌 by Lek Watruak

LP Kaew
The first great master of
Wat Kruawan's lineage.
LP Kaew was the teacher of LP Dhan
who was teacher of LP Parn Phutdharakito.

LP Parn Phutdharakito
Wat Kruawan

Pidta "Nua Gala"
Wat Kruawan,
Chonburi, Late 2480s

Dimensions: 2.0 X 2.2 cm
LP Parn's holy powder, LP Kaew's holy powder + Herbs + Chinese lacquer
Item ref:

This is a HTF Pidta "NuaGala", created and blessed by LP Parn Phutdharakito, Wat Kruawan, Chonburi, in late 2480s.

The Pidta was mixed with LP Kaew's holy powder, herbs, and Chinese lacquer.

The Pidta surface looks "NuaJaad" and its texture looking like coconut shell called "NuaGala".

"NuaJaad" = holy powder or baked clay amulets that have physical surface of classic, strong, and shinning look as appearing on the surface of some expensive amulets such as Somdej Wat Rakang, Somdej BangKhunPhrom, Soomkor, or Leela Med Khanoon, etc.

"NuaGala" = coconut-shell like texture, it's so called because its surface looks like coconut shell, similar to the multi-million THB old-version LP Kaew Pidta of Wat Kruawan.

The LP Parn's Pidta has ultra high effacacies & properties for Maha Metta, Maha Saneh, and life safty as of LP Kaew's.

LP Kaew was the founder of Wat Kruawan, he was the first maker of top famous Pidta "NuaGala" of Wat Kruwan, and also the first master of famous Wat Kruawan's lineage.

The price for a LP Kaew's Pidta now is very steep, you may pay up to 10-40 million THB depending on its condition.

But the above LP Parn's Pidta is so much cheaper and a best substitution to the expensive's LP Kaew.


In the old days there were no chalks sold yet, LP Kaew who was also a teacher for monk students had to made chalk by himself and blessed them before using.

While LP Kaew was teaching, Khom scripts were written on the blackboard. When the scripts was erased, the chalk dust would fell onto the receptacle rail.

The chalk dust was related to Buddhistic Mantra, Sutra, Buddhas' and Arahants' names, so it was the utmost sacred powder by its nature.

The chalk dust was gathered and kept by LP Kaew to make holy chalk and it was blessed once again after the making processes was finished.

When LP Kaew was making his Pidtas, the holy chalk had been brought to grind for fine powder and mixed into the paste mixture.

Later, many pieces of LP Kaew's holy chalk were found in Wat Kruawan's Chedi in early 2490s.

Some of the holy chalk was kept by LP Buay, the then Abbot, and LP Parn. Both LP Buay and LP Parn were LP Dhan's disciples and also were LP Kaew's lineage disciples of the 3rd generation.

LP Parn who made and blessed the Pidta was born in B.E. 2441. He was seriously ill and in the near-to-death condition when he was young, his father went to Wat Kruawan and brought back LP Kaew's holy water to feed him.

It's so amazing that he was recovered and get well a few days after that !!

LP Parn ordained in B.E. 2462 and learned incantation and Pidta making from LP Dhan. LP Parn passed away in B.E. 2517 at the age of 76.


LP Kaew's holy powder is extremely efficacious for Maha Metta and Maha Saneh, it's aware that even a molecule should never be touched to a lady !! Yes, it's tabooed to lady !!

An event recounted for a long time ago in among Wat Kruawan's followers :-

A novice was assigned to grind LP Kaew's holy powder for a Pidta making occasion, at that time a niece of LP Dhan came over to pay respect to his uncle (LP Dhan). LP Dhan ordered the novice to bring a cup of tea for the lady guest.

Beyond expectation, the novice hands has contaminated with LP Kaew's holy powder dust. After the lady drank that cup of tea, she never wanted to move and go back home but sat at that place until night-- waiting for the novice!!.

LP Dhan realized that the novice had not washed his hand before serving the cup of tea. LP Dhan told his niece sitting before him and then he chanted a Katha to neutralize the holy powder's activeness in the lady's body.

LP Dhan was a close disciple of LP Kaew, he later became the Abbot of Wat Kruawan in B.E.2445 after LP Jaem.

Maha Metta = to be kindly liked & loved by others
Maha Saneh = opposite sex attractiveness

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